When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians, Verse 11.It never fails. Every year, on certain well-wishing occasions, but especially her birthday, some of us ask our mother, "Was I the first? Was I the first to wish you a happy birthday?"
And she will tell us yes, or no.
It happens among us siblings as well. We want to be the first to wish each other many happy returns of the day. It is okay if we are not, but we really prefer being the first. As if somehow that action through words changes everything. Yet another part of the rivalry to which we never openly admit.
There is an industry that flourishes using primacy, or sibling rivalry. It may be tongue-in-cheek, but it is there.
It was past midnight. I wished her a happy birthday. And then I asked excitedly, "Am I the first?"
"Yes. Well, your brother did, actually." Youngest brother sent a bouquet of lovely flowers which was delivered yesterday afternoon.
"Yes, but the day of your birthday. I am, na?"
She intones in the affirmative. My heart leaps.
Some of us never put away childish things. I would like to think of it as being more child-like.
Mabrook! on this beautiful day to a beautiful woman!