
Advent - Day 2.

Traditions vary among Christians from different denominations. In the Orthodox tradition, for example, there is a Christmas fast. It is not as strict as the Lenten one, but if one chooses to do so, one abstains from meat and dairy products from the beginning of December until Christmas.

Whatever traditions one follows, the words "peace and goodwill to all men" tend to get lost sometimes. What is the point of buying gifts for Christmas, or being in the giving spirit if someone is going to attack other shoppers? It makes no sense.

I feel like a hypocrite promoting peace and goodwill myself because it is difficult for me to bear goodwill towards certain individuals, but I am aware of it. Still, being unable to bear goodwill towards a few individuals for their actions and or personalities is one thing. Painting wide brushes on communities and reducing them, or dehumanizing them is another.

Families are burying their loved ones who are dying in war. This past Saturday NATO forces killed 26 Pakistani soldiers. Their names are listed here. Today, Mosharraf Zaidi listed each of these soldiers in his Twitter timeline.

One day of the week since the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq began, PBS Newshour lists names of the soldiers who have died in combat, along with their photographs.

Actions like these put a human face on war. A face that is forgotten in the drumbeats and blame games, and policies that continue war which seems to have no end. Many of us here cannot even imagine or think of the number of Iraqis or Afghans who have perished, but they have names and faces as well.

Then there are the victims of suicide bombings, the attempted bombings, the fear that is still drummed into us that if we stop the war machine now, we will suffer more violence.

I realize that this is not the most uplifting of sights on opening the 2nd day of Advent window.

It is not meant to be.

As John Lennon sang in Happy Christmas (War is over): War is over. If you want it. War is over. Now.

May the souls of all who have perished in terrorist attacks and wars rest in peace.

It is difficult for so many to visualize peace. As we celebrate advent and look forward to Christmas, may we pray for peace and goodwill to all people. May we do our very best in sharing it with everyone in whatever way is available to us.